Dienstag, 8. Mai 2007

Truckbrush #1

I live in an apartment where there is constantly some sort of party going on. If not a party, a gathering.If not a gathering someone has just popped by to visit or the phone is ringing.I really don't mind that these people like spending their time at my house it's just that I'm a neat freak.The only way I function properly is if my enviroment is clean and organized.Also i 'm usually very busy , i go to school in the morning and have to work at night.My point being I wish more people were polite enough to clean up after themselves , even at a party house.It would make life easier on a freak like me who will spend hours cleaning and not doing important assignments or projects because things need to be clean before I can focus.I jusst cleaned the kitchen while 8 people are kickin it in my livingroom.IN OTHER NEW NEWS: Im new to this computer lovin'.Hopefully all my entries won't be about my obssesive cleaning.ALSO:when i grow up i want to be a skyscraper.