Mittwoch, 18. Juli 2007

I heart the Eels

While in the Los angeles area I may have the opportunity to see one of my favorite bands ever.....THE EELS!!Yes I admit it, my favorite band.It will be a pinch, but since I got a job so fast I have a bit of $$.I just have to squeeze time out of the hour glass and delay my return to Fresno a day.Wish me luck, this could very well be another dream come true.Ole

Dienstag, 10. Juli 2007

The best...

I've seen and done some of the very best things in the last month as I've been traveling.In the last week I've read exactly 9 great books. BUT, nothing, I mean nothing compares to the very best people in the world...The way that mikeczech and oatmeal write touches my very soul. i laugh, i cry. I'm amazed by their genius.These are amazing people with amazing talents, and i know them. what a thought. It makes me wonder what super cool art Fred is doing? or what great music Jordan is making..That i can't even see or hear. I LOVE MY FAMILY AND I MISS THEM!

Samstag, 7. Juli 2007

That's my final offer

The decision to travel,hell or high water,was made final last night when I saw the moon.First time I'd seen the moon in 2 weeks and I'm a moon watcher.I'm gonna go to the east coast end of June.My travel destination is still undecided.I'm currently looking for floors to sleep on in exchange for housework and/or people i could hitch rides with.Any help would be amazing.This is going to be my first time leaving the west coast.Went to the Rhinelander last night, expensive and delicious German food.Good company was a bonus.Still dating that same crush and the more and more I learn about him the more and more I like him. Today at work the owner of the company I work for caught me lying straight to his face and didn't fire me.He just couldn't fire me, he needs me working there to badly to fire me. It was beautiful!

Freitag, 6. Juli 2007

All systems Go!

I got a bigdumbcrushmyheart. I'm going to call his answering machine tomorrow and sing him love songs for hours. Read him 60. cent poetry. Give him rock presents and kiss him all over his sexy face......... I'm so chessy I don't care. The world today just begs for more affection.

Donnerstag, 5. Juli 2007

An almost complete week

and all I can think about is the future.I've been at my job now for way too long( i keep saying that).When I sit at my computer I can hear my neighbors snoring through the wall.I haven't had any stimulants ( caffine) in 3 weeks. I haven't watched Tv in a month. I enjoy the disconnection from these things.It makes me at peace with the universe. I wish I could stop supporting all the things im against(prepackaged consumables) all at once. It has to been a gradual thing and nobody is really pure anymore. What is purity anyway? Just me being comfortable in my skin and trying not to cause anybody harm.My best wishes to everybody in search of peace, be it amongest others or in themselves.

Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2007

Spam or not to spam.....

Yes!I received my very first spam today!Today has been dream-esque.....I woke up early and saw my favorite flower vendors on the bus.An old couple deeply in love, still holding each others hands, that sort of thing.I like the aura they give off.I've never bought a flower, but one of these days I will.I finally registered for next term, a little late.So I missed the speech class I wanted. And of course (my secret wish to take) physics was full. So now I have Shakespeare and Tai Chi. As they say,"life is hard....and so am I".How many of you know me? Take a quiz..You can also apply these questions to your self or your lover. For No apparent reason.I drink soymilk out of the carton? True or FalseI write lists of people I've slept with? T or FI say I'm going to college, but I'm really not?T or FI send people postcards for no reason?T or FI write alot of lists?T or FI own a TV? T or FI think alot about the position of my bellybutton? T or FI had sex at work today? T or FI stole something today? T or F I was raised Mormon? T or FI like to wear expensive clothes? T or Fmmmmm....dumb excuse to use the ? key. Answer it just for fun. Because it's dumbfun. Let me know yer answers.