Dienstag, 8. Mai 2007

Truckbrush #1

I live in an apartment where there is constantly some sort of party going on. If not a party, a gathering.If not a gathering someone has just popped by to visit or the phone is ringing.I really don't mind that these people like spending their time at my house it's just that I'm a neat freak.The only way I function properly is if my enviroment is clean and organized.Also i 'm usually very busy , i go to school in the morning and have to work at night.My point being I wish more people were polite enough to clean up after themselves , even at a party house.It would make life easier on a freak like me who will spend hours cleaning and not doing important assignments or projects because things need to be clean before I can focus.I jusst cleaned the kitchen while 8 people are kickin it in my livingroom.IN OTHER NEW NEWS: Im new to this computer lovin'.Hopefully all my entries won't be about my obssesive cleaning.ALSO:when i grow up i want to be a skyscraper.

2 Kommentare:

ralgraphicsapea46 hat gesagt…

You have my suit-jacket.I have unsatisfied rage.

akashdalay10 hat gesagt…

yes and it is hung lovingly in my closet until which time you return to claim it.I'm gigging tomorrow at tennesse Red's at one pm you should show, and claim yer jacket.lots of coat hanger love,cozella