Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2007

Truckbrush #3

I'm building a timecapsule.It's going to go in my bathroom ceiling.What would you put in a timecapsule?What would I want people to know about my time/my place in history?What sort of information might help them come to grips with they're place in history?I'm falling for someone way too old for me (they say). I do that alot.I seem to be naturally attracted to men who are at least 10 years older than me,if not 20.So, I found one of the places I dream about frequently . It was very exciting and very calming at the same time.It was built in 1900 , it's an old military installation in WA, right across from Astoria.This week i've been learning how to use a 4-track and today I learned how to drive a forklift.Learning new things is more fun than cleaning things!Sometimes I wish I was deep and retrospective, but most of the time I'm just happy to be living it.(this life)

1 Kommentar:

mibsertijou52 hat gesagt…

I would put a picture of my little cousins, the shoes of someone who died in war, writing about the lower east side, and taped coffee conversations.