Samstag, 7. Juli 2007

That's my final offer

The decision to travel,hell or high water,was made final last night when I saw the moon.First time I'd seen the moon in 2 weeks and I'm a moon watcher.I'm gonna go to the east coast end of June.My travel destination is still undecided.I'm currently looking for floors to sleep on in exchange for housework and/or people i could hitch rides with.Any help would be amazing.This is going to be my first time leaving the west coast.Went to the Rhinelander last night, expensive and delicious German food.Good company was a bonus.Still dating that same crush and the more and more I learn about him the more and more I like him. Today at work the owner of the company I work for caught me lying straight to his face and didn't fire me.He just couldn't fire me, he needs me working there to badly to fire me. It was beautiful!

3 Kommentare:

aintoyursugarpie9 hat gesagt…

Just noticed I was your "Friend"!!!Que paso?

balleniarkexyahoocom hat gesagt…

my name is vicki. i am a good friend of mike's and i live in san diego CA. if youre ever in the area and need a place to stay or some food or a ride or anything, you can call me. i'd be so happy to meet you, mike adores you. my number is 619 281 2840 and my cell is 830 660 0596 (its says jenny on the voicmail, but its vicki, sorry, ive been meaning to change that) and my address is 4052 monroe ave (in the kensington, normal heights, hillcrest area).=)

crwatnpmae hat gesagt…

oh yeah and good luck and be careful!