Mittwoch, 15. August 2007


Gargh today,Yah!for today,Much like the child I'm not anymore.I come home in a week.Both excited and annoyed.Where do we go from here?Anywhere we want....I have a ten dollar bike that shinesand "goes".Yep.All I will do is dance.All I can do is dance.I will also cook deep fried tofu. And homemade tortillas.And Pad Thai.I hope it's raining when I get in.I hope i never forget all the amazing peopleI met on my journey.and I hope to meet more.Everyone.I really love ALL of you.

1 Kommentar:

theboiofhappienss72 hat gesagt…

holy crap. we are at the globe, wondering where the hell you are. going to check out the green tortoise tomorrow in search of you and then. i don't know. do laundry at the cafe down the street.find us.- m